Saturday, 23 November 2013

Ricardo Vidort and Luisito Ferraris: videos

I came across this among MullerPatricia's clips: she didn't recognise the dancers, but anyone familiar with the informative TangoandChaos website will recognise the second part of it as film of Ricardo Vidort with Alejandra Todaro, and the first half is from the same session. However, this first part doesn't appear on the website, so it must come from the T&C private archives, which I think are very extensive, and I wonder if there's more of that available. It's just curious that the clip doesn't identify the dancers. TangoandChaos apologises on the website for the film quality, and points out that it's great to have film from when Ricardo was still energetic and in good health. I've always seen that second half as a really wonderful example of tango, and it's a treat to have the rest of it. I just can't help wishing for even more.

Jantango posted about that recent video of Luisito Ferraris on the same day as I did, and adds a link to a video I hadn't seen. She says it's also Luisito, and it does look like him, and it's his way of dancing. Once again, the clip doesn't identify the dancers, which makes it hard to find. It appears to be a commercial for something called tangoline: the website no longer seems to exist. But the dance does, and it seems very intense. In a way it doesn't matter who the dancers are.

I'm struck once again by how close the feet of the dancers are. Sadly, most of us managed to kick our longsuffering partners a few times when we were learning, and are cautious now about dancing with our feet that close. But stepping close, this very neat footwork, is a feature of social tango, something I notice in a lot of the clips. I think it's part of walking one foot in front of the other in line, which results in 'collecting' and also in a sharper stepping. If you dance in a practica with a partner who's accustomed to the dance of the BsAs milongas, she's likely to point out if you aren't stepping close and 'collecting'; similarly, a guy who's danced there all his life would notice the lack of 'collecting' in a partner who is careless about it. It adds a clarity and sharpness, as well as a kind of additional closeness to tango.

That's about it for Luisito Ferraris on YouTube, very sadly. But there is one more video which I'd watched just part of until recently, when I discovered with pleasure that the second half of it is a milonga. I really enjoyed it: it's a kind of milonga I can relate to, and which I haven't seen much in video. The traspies are subtle, and the dance flows. Much as I love watching 'El Flaco' Dany I know I can't in any way regard him as a role model.

I'd just written this and checked to make sure there was nothing more of Luisito on YouTube... and came across this, posted just one week ago, and 15 minutes long. It seems to be the conclusion of a private workshop earlier this November, and we see Luisito dancing with his students there. He seems to be able to get people to dance, and to enjoy doing it. The text says, roughly, 'Luisito Ferraris is greatly appreciated for his dancing and teaching ability, and for being such a friendly guy'.

It brightened up a cold, dark late November afternoon.

P.S.  The original version of the second half of this is here, Adios Arrabal danced by Ricardo Vidort and Alejandra. It's better quality than the version above. I suspect the version above might have been made with a camcorder off a TV screen somewhere.


Chris said...

Fantastic, thanks for posting this! I believe Tango & Chaos refers to the Ricardo Vidort clip as containing all you'd need to know about social tango. There's certainly a lot there! Thanks for your blog too - its a great read (and resource).

Janis said...

It's a mystery as to how Patricia in Italy has a video of Ricardo Vidour which doesn't appear on Tango and Chaos. The filming was done at Casa Tango in Buenos Aires (two blocks from where I live) when Rick McGarry came for his first visit. Rick and his wife Alejandra Todaro haven't been seen in the milongas for a long time. He gave up dancing and writing on Tango and Chaos.

That video is Luisito Ferraris when he was still in BsAs. He gained weight over the years in Italy. The dancers aren't identified because the video was copied from another web site.

Tangocommuter said...

Many thanks to D for her comments at a milonga last night, how much she enjoyed seeing this clip of Ricardo and remembering his distinctive way of moving, and his energy, his huge enjoyment of dancing and of being in a milonga.

We can't get him back now, which is a great pity, but at least we have the technology to remind us.

Stefano said...

Thank you for these videos.
I'm new to Tango (only 4 years, dancing in Rome) and I started to understand it only when I discovered Rick McGarry's beautiful web-site and especially that Vidort's video. Do you know why there is no updatings of the Tango&Chaos web site ?

Tangocommuter said...

Hi Stefano, and thanks for the comment. Tango and Chaos is a wonderful resource for social tango, and the videos there are an invaluable record of dance in Buenos Aires from a decade ago. He hasn't updated T&C for a few years now, but it feels very complete.

I suspect Rick McGarry has many more videos, and I hope he will release them some day!

Stefano said...

I wish you a Happy New 2015.
By the way this morning, trying to send the Tango&Chaos link to a friend, I discovered that that website doesn't exist anymore !
I think that it would be a great loss. I saved some of the videos embedded in that site, but McGarry's text is invaluable.
Do you know the reason ?

Tangocommuter said...

Thanks Stefano. It seems that Tango&Chaos us back online. It's a great resource: you had me worried for a while!