Wednesday, 30 July 2008

Finally, on Monday, booked apartment for BsAs. Before I booked I felt hesitant: after booking I felt really pleased and relieved. I'm on my way, at least to sunshine in November if not to a lot of good tango.

Last night, L&R's last class before their holiday, the Tuesday night advanced class, a bit of a disaster. It was one of their choreographies, which I'm not so keen on in class, but OK once in a while. I guess it gives everyone the feel of actually dancing to the music, and practice in combining moves. Early on it was going well until I picked a partner who said she was a beginner. Partners say that if they're not confident but unfortunately she really was -- and it was an advanced class. So I confidently led a giro, she didn't have a clue what I was doing and tripped on her own legs. Supporting someone's full weight, even for a moment, in a twisted position isn't great for the back, and mine is sore today. She was so much a beginner she didn't even know the giro pattern. The problem with open classes: anyone can turn up.

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