Monday, 12 December 2011

Una pena absoluta

'Es una pena absoluta...' (it's an absolute pain) '...ES UNA TORTURA!' (translation not needed). (Female) teacher to tango class, on what it's like dancing with guys who aren't precise about the beat. (I think I've quoted her Spanish correctly.)


Alan Jones said...

This lady is welcome to try her hand at leading,Tango Commuter,but I do hope that she doesn't end up like two or three of our female leaders,who are unaware of the dancers who have to continually take avoiding action,one even telling me that you must expect collisions on a crowded dance floor!Kind regards,Alan Jones.

Tangocommuter said...

Alan, she says: 'GUYS WHO DON'T DANCE WITH THE BEAT ARE A REAL PAIN!' I thought it was pretty clear!

Alan Jones said...

I am reminded about the comments made about Tete and Gerardo Portalea,that they 'weren't dancing to the music'. One of the older dancers told me(I forget who)that if you watch them both,that cleverly,they are dancing through or between the beat...Oh,I noticed that you didn't give a name for the lady,but I am now worried that she is talking about me!Kind regards,Alan Jones.

Tangocommuter said...

Thanks, Alan. I'm sure she wasn't talking about you, more likely about me! I remember dancing with a 'portena' on my first trip to BsAs, who pulled me up because I wasn't dancing on the beat. I thought my sense of the beat was pretty good, but I listened carefully and realised there is 'on the beat' and there is 'exactly on the beat', and ladies with a good ear will expect the latter. Then they know when to step.

As to Tete or Portalea not dancing on the beat, I don't really believe it. For a start, 'the beat' isn't singular. The bass and piano might be playing 1-2-3-4, but the strings or bandoneon might be playing long slow phrases, and a dancer can choose which to follow. & you might have been lucky to watch Portalea live, but if you're thinking of old film, the sound might not be well synched with the image. YouTube was notorious for poor synchronisation when it started. & film editors have been known to strip out the original sound and replace it with something else...