Saturday 3 September 2011

Euro Records

A trip up Lavalle to no. 2039, Euro Records. A trip to a record store wouldn't usually be worth posting, but Euro Records is different. Come in! Sit down! What can we do for you? I dig out my list, and they start to get my CDs from the case, recommend a few more, comment on the sound quality of one or two. I ask if they have any specifically canyengue CDs (like the series Martha has, with a good deal of early Canaro and a number of largely forgotten orquestas that Martha tells me she loves). A long discussion in the office starts up as to what exactly canyengue music is: they tell me it used to be danced in the streets. They dig out a number of discs, but they are all later music (from the late 30s) and I assumed canyengue was earlier. However, their knowledge of this huge collection is seriously impressive. Then they're curious about my interest in the music. Is it for dancing? For dancing and listening, I reply. Ah, a double pleasure! We sit and chat amiably for a while.

Buying CDs isn't usually like that. I leave with seven CDs, which cost me the equivalent of £22. Just seven. I'm ashamed of myself.

Incidentally the 'catalogo' link on their website doesn't seem to work, but if you click on the black and gold 'Buenos Aires tango club' logo half-way down on the left-hand side you'll reach the online shop and complete catalogue. It's an extraordinary and constantly increasing collection.


Irene and Man Yung said...

Dear Tangocommuter,

We have been to these offices too - the collection of CDs they have is impressive and they have many rare, hard to find items. We loved the eyeglasses that the "Jefe" was wearing - they were very unintentionally sci-fi! And yes, they were really friendly and talkative. Buenos Aires Tango Club/Euro Records is quite a little gem!

Irene and Man Yung

Tangocommuter said...

Thanks, Irene and Man Yung. You know I didn't notice the 'anteojos'? Another reason to go back!